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Keeping your prescriptions securely on file with us takes the often overwhelming paperwork out of your hands, while our complimentary SMS reminder service keeps you in ultimate control of your medication management. Customize when you want reminders sent, and have the convenience of ordering a prescription straightaway with a simple text reply. Prescription management has never been easier.”

The added value of the APP option enables you to set up dose reminders for your medication as well as access to an inbuilt messaging platform to communicate with your Pharmacist anytime of the day or night.

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The normal variations in blood pressure are mirrored in this test as it takes many measurements unlike the one or two during a normal clinic visit

It eliminates the “white coat effect” which means that blood pressure measurements taken by a doctor in a clinic are on average 9/7 mm Hg (systolic/diastolic pressure) higher than corresponding readings obtained by a nurse or other trained practitioner in the same setting

It can detect masked and sustained hypertension – when the blood pressure reading is normal in the clinic but high during normal activity, it is termed ‘masked hypertension’, whereas persistently high blood pressure is called sustained hypertension and is associated with higher risk of heart attacks and renal injury. It shows the normotensive effect of current medications, that is, the effect of medications on controlling the blood pressure throughout the day can be visualized It reveals if the blood pressure increases at night or during sleep, a phenomenon

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To transfer a prescription from another pharmacy, bring the prescription vial, bottle, or package to the pharmacy. Or call the pharmacy with the name and phone number of the pharmacy where the prescription was last filled, the prescription number, and the name of the medication. The TheAxis Grp healthcare pharmacy staff will then transfer and fill your refill prescription for you.

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